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Eske & Sheila for Cræme 
Feb. 2019 - now 


The ultimate task is to do this, as authentic as possible. We are gifted with a great and honest product, which is a rarity in this industry! What makes this product unique and how can we mark ourselves in the market, without the usual use of buzzwords, catchphrases and 'wonder' ingredients?


There is a cream for you arms, a cream for your legs and a cream for left chin, right chin and so on.The ingredient lists are in latin (which can be slightly difficult to understand by the average human) and lacks transparency.This results in the consumer buying more products than necessary, spending a lot of money and might not even get the results they wished for. The majority of these creams are based on mineral oils (waste product from pure oil production) and contains up to 65% of water. It's a great business model for companies to sell water as miracle creams, right? Water and mineral oils in creams functions as a plastic wrap around the skin, making it unable to breath and thus working the other way around ending up making your skin more dry.


- Tell the story behind CRÆME

- New packaging for the product that are more sustainable 

- Create a visual and written identity for the product

- Create new sales and distribution channels


research - talk - think - test - laugh - talk - think - test - validate


- 3 core values - simple, transparent, sustainable

- Reducing assortment from two products to one

- Tested, validated and more sustainable packaging

- Webshop-solution based on research within target audience 

- Visual and written identity that matches the core values

- Supply chain overview

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